Conference Fee

  • Regular Participants: 300.00 €
  • Students*: 150.00 €
  • Members Leibniz Research Alliance Health Technologies**: 150.00 €

Invited speakers and gold/silver sponsors please register as regular participants. Your conference fee will be waived.

*Students are highly welcome! To prove that you are an undergraduate or Ph.D. student, please forward a scanned copy of your student ID or a letter stating your student status from your university by e-mail to

**The Leibniz Research Alliance Health Technologies pays 50 % of the regular participation fee of € 300.00 for its members.

In case of cancellation before January 15, 2020, your conference fee will be refunded. Cancellations received on or after January 15, 2020, will be liable to pay the full relevant participation fee. If you cannot attend, you may nominate a substitute to attend on your behalf.